The liver fluke risk has been low all season, but this will vary from farm to farm. Now is an excellent time to test, as infestation will be readily detectable on both bloods AND faecal samples. Tests are reliable and cost-effective - test don't guess!
Whilst the risk of liver fluke is relatively low this year, the rainfall since July means cases may now start to be seen. Acute fluke can look very much like haemonchus (the bloodsucking gutworm), so ask us for advice regarding testing and treatment. Blood testing for fluke is very sensitive and provides the earliest warning of infection, and samples can be pooled making this a cost-effective method.
Fluke risk in the area generally remains low, but it is acknowledged that there will be pockets of high risk pastures, so testing may now be appropriate in some cases. Rumen fluke risk is similarly low (and less likely to be clinically significant).
Blowfly risk is high; be aware that preventive treatments applied early in the season may be reaching the reaching the end of their efficacy.
Nematodirus risk is developing - this is almost entirely a threat for lambs aged 6-12 weeks old. Watch for sudden onset diarrhoea and weight loss, and do not delay treatment (with white drench) should these symptoms start to be seen in young lambs.
Other gut roundworms may start being an issue as soon as many larvae will have successfully overwintered this year. Start monitoring with worm egg counts once lambs are 6-7wks old - test before clinical signs are seen, as growth rates will start to suffer before classic signs of worms are seen.
Update March 2023
As you will likely be aware, the Animal Health & Welfare Pathway (AHWP) has now launched. Following our Q&A session we thought you might find the following information useful.
Who is eligible?
We would like to inform all our clients that as of the 1st September 2022, all insurance claims processed via a claim form or electronic portal will be subject to an insurance administration fee.
The fees will be £5 for an indirect claim and £20 for a direct claim. This will be invoiced each time a claim is processed, including for each continuation claim for ongoing conditions. This will not affect your excess payments or your insurance policy.
Avian influenza, or bird flu as it is commonly known, has recently raised its ugly head again in several places in the South West (SW) region this August and is presenting a significant problem in Mid Devon.
There are 3 outbreaks in the Cullompton/Tiverton area. It is important that all bird keepers follow the rules governing their birds as set out in the following link:
Some helping hands to improve lamb survival!
Colostrum substitutes
We are able to supply Immucol colostrum. Unlike many colostrum replacers this contains immune complexes, so is head and shoulders above other products. Current cost is £55+vat for 40 feeds (top up) or 20 (replacement feeds). Whichever product you use, ensure you give 50ml per kg (200ml for a 4kg lamb) within the first 6 hours of life.
Navel dipping